Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Sense of Place Planning

Part A: Brainstorming Ideas for “Your Personal Place”                

Make a list of three (3) possibilities of places to which you hold strong connections: (past or present): you MUST have a connection and you MUST be able to find photos of your place.
1. Sunday River
2. Vermont house
3. My house

Of the 3 above on which one will be the BEST to create a scene that is meaningful to you:

Make a list of the tangible connections to that place. Feelings. Smells. Sounds. Sights, etc. Include everything you can think of, even if it seems silly.
·      Feelings (such as happiness): Happiness
·      Smells (such as warm blueberries): Warm blueberries
·      Sounds (such as crickets at night): Crickets at night
·      Sights (such as seagulls): Seagulls
·      Tangible Objects (tickets, bracelet, shells): Shells

Part B: Specific Planning: Sense of Place Box

Name:  Lucas

Definite Place/Subject idea: Where/what is this place?
A lake house in Vermont
Desired Mood: What feeling are you trying to communicate to your viewer?
a fun feeling
Color Scheme: What colors will you use? The paint should connect with the colors of your photographs.

blue and green and brown
Self (how is your connection to this place going to be evident?):
I will be in it
Map: What actual map will you be using and where are you placing it:
a map of vermont and on the edge
Tangible object(s)/ fun features:

dock, dog, bushes
What is your plan, be specific, for depth (there may be more than 3 layers & you may have something hanging from the top of the box)?
Background:  House

Middleground: Lawn

Foreground: Water
What is on the outside of box?:

What is on the edge of box?:

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